Monday, August 27, 2007

Gul’s presidency may be good for the Kurds

New Anatolian, Opinion

By Ilnur Cevik

August 27, 2007

Turkey’s Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul is expected to be elected as president on Tuesday and will be sworn in immediately to replace Ahmet Necdet Serer.

Abdullah Gul has been dealing with the problems of Iraqi Kurdistan for nearly more than a decade. When he was state minister under Necmettin Erbakan he was looking into this issue and when he was opposition spokesman he was also dealing with the issue.

He was the first Turkish official to meet Dr. Barham Salih in Ankara when Dr. Barham was prime minister of the Kurdish administration in Sulaimania.

Gul is very attentive to Kurdish issues. He was the first to say Iraqi Kurds are our relatives and thus have a special place for us. Full Text