Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Death Sentence Upheld for Hussein Henchman

The New York Times

By Damien Cave

September 5, 2007

BAGHDAD, Sept. 4 — An Iraqi appeals court on Tuesday upheld a death sentence against one of Saddam Hussein’s main henchmen, known as Chemical Ali, for a genocidal campaign that killed as many as 180,000 Kurds in the 1980s.

The head of the nine-member Iraqi High Tribunal, Arif Abd al-Razaq, said the decision paved the way for the henchman, Ali Hassan al-Majid, a cousin of Mr. Hussein, to be executed within 30 days in accordance with Iraqi law.

The court also confirmed death sentences for two other senior military officials, Sultan Hashim Ahmed and Hussein Rashid.

All three men were convicted of conspiring to gas Kurdish villages in northern Iraq in 1988 as part of the Anfal — or “spoils or war” — campaign. They were sentenced June 24. Full Text